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任務十二 山賊的寶藏



解法 :

P.S. : 步驟八party:1.assassin 2.demon 3.fighter 4.runes(100)(mage,cleric,bard,healer) 5.其他 (4)當 leader

  1. from north silver knight(3000 1600) do n,help giter(出現兩個山賊)(1)(A)(不能離開),ko 山賊 =>get mask

  2. from Blue(3000 1600) do e,n,e,n,n(beggar),give 100 gold to beggar =>Beggar 會說 Gicar 在哪裡

  3. find Gicar(可能在mainland(Zoo,Fooland),Sodan,南極) do give mask to gicar =>get map

  4. at Nurse(3000 1600) do say 安娜病了 =>get pill

  5. from nurse(3000 1600) do n,e,e,e,e,e,s,s,w,en,c,c,jump,d,s,w,w,w,w,n(Chimpanzee(3)),ko it =>get meat

  6. from Giter(3000 1600) do ne,e,e,search grass(=>get stone),n,put stone in hole(=>can go n),n, n,n,n,n,(到倒數第二格),w,w,w,search 標本 =>get iron key

  7. do e,e,e,e,e,op door,e,e,clear,check box =>出現兩隻火燄獸(3)(AS), ko monster,do search room =>can go d do d(2hell dog)(11) do spread meat,drop meat =>2 dogs slees do pull lever => can go w do w,,all do w 9.runes=100 者 read map,照地圖上的指示一步一步走,其他人都不要動 =>到達一個鎖著的門 assassin => pick door do w,w,w,n,(fighter=>pull wheel)(最後少一隻 monster) do s,s,(demon=>shift)(最後少一隻 monster) do n,w,open box(若沒有以上步驟會有兩隻 monster(5)(A) =>>finish

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